Climbers – Best Blockchain Game

Climbers – Best Blockchain Game

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Next Generation Blockchain Game “Climbers” White Paper

Climbers is being developed with the aim of becoming a widely accepted blockchain game in the market in 2023 and beyond.

Our goal is to maximize the potential of NFTs and blockchains and lead the game industry as a next-generation blockchain game.

A new standard for blockchain games aimed at by Climbers

Climbers is developed with the aim of being a cutting-edge blockchain game.

Therefore, there are points that set it apart from conventional games, such as:

– Not fixed gameplay

– Climbers pursues ever-changing gameplay.

– Stages are constantly provided by user-generated content (UGC), and units are continuously added and evolved according to user opinions.

In addition, the stage will change one after another depending on the tactics and actions of the players.

Not just a cooperative game or a battle game, in Climbers, rivals are meant to be knocked down, but the unique gameplay requires cooperation to reach the goal.

Not just a money game. The core gameplay is an “interesting game” created by Platinum Egg with all their might. I think that it is a game that is interesting enough even if it is released as a normal smartphone game.

not just a game, this is a blockchain game

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Climbers – Best Blockchain Game

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